If we're still looking to expand the munu collective, y'all may wish to check out My Pet Jawa. To be absolutely fair, it's very tounge-in-cheek, although it could also be construed as being entirely insensitive. Additionally, it is strongly political in content, but I still think it might be worth at least considering.
Posted by Bravo Romeo Delta at April 10, 2004 09:19 PMStrange, but that link does not seem to want to work. I checked the source, but it showed to be correctly coded, so I copied the link and hand pasted it in the address bar. I go Yay, a bit like the Commissar's stuff, but with a Star Wars slant instead of a Kremlin/Cold War slant.
Posted by: Mr Mouse at April 11, 2004 12:45 AMI fixed the link. What to people think? I'm inclined towards a yes on this one myself.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2004 07:20 AMWell, absent objections I would like to float an offer.
Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at April 13, 2004 02:30 PMI'll go ahead and pitch an invite.
Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at April 13, 2004 03:34 PM