There is a blogger I would hate to lose. Never having written and requested to let someone on to Munuvian ground, I ask your patience. This man has humor, guts and a definite opinion. Let's keep him around by letting him move over here. I think he would be an excellent addition to the family. Please come on over and say YAAAAA, Yes, Yep, Yipee and whatever other form of yes you can think of to let Grau Magnus over here.
I'm coming in from the cold of my hiatus to humbly submit the Anti-Strib for citizenship in the Mu Shu Moo Knew benevolent dictatorship republic. With nine bloggers, they have officially outgrown blogspot. They need help, and I think moo knew is just the place for them.
That and Tracy, the Anti-Strib Poobah, has one of the best stocked bars in his house that I've ever seen, and I need to get me some more of that.
What say you?
An Italian friend is looking for a new home and Mu.Nu might offer it to her, am i right?
She's Adriana of Kaotico Blues and her email is .
She is desperately needing a home!
I'd like to nominate a fellow Blogcritic, Matt Milam, who blogs over at The Inside of My Brain. He does a great job of covering and reviewing media (including TV). And he REALLY wants off the 'spot, if you know what I mean.
So how 'bout some Yay's!