Dr. Leopold "Butters" Stotch Professor Chaos would make an excellent munuvian. His blogspot horror stories never seem to end.
Anyway, look what happened the last time Pixy Misa added a Ph. D. using a fictional name stolen from a popular American cartoon.
Posted by Rusty at March 18, 2005 06:03 PMYay!
Posted by: Jim at March 21, 2005 02:13 PMI would also like to ad a "Yea. Yea verily, forsooth." to the list of Yays as well.
Posted by: BravoRomeoDelta at March 28, 2005 07:18 PMI second or third the nomination. Fun blog, has always been a cool commenter on my site.
Posted by: ace at March 28, 2005 09:17 PMPixy has set me up with the tools to get new Munus started. Yay!
This nomination has general Munuvian approval so if they want a Munu home, they've got it. Give them a ring with the happy news and please have them contact me (jim@jpeacock.net) or just go ahead and send me their preferences for the following:
MT Username
MT Domain Name (whatever.mu.nu)
If they have a standard url also (like I have http://snoozebuttondreams.com)
Email address
Yay! We could always do with more chaos around here.
No - wait...
(But still yay!)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 1, 2005 10:38 PM