June 16, 2004

Der Commisar?

Der Commisar is having hosting problems right now and is looking for a new home.

How about it? Da or Nyet?

Posted by Madfish Willie at June 16, 2004 11:38 PM

Hey all. Um, I know I'm not part of this blog or anything, but I know Linda (admire her as well) and I have just, just read the post where she mentioned me (I got here through Technorati). I guess I wanted to say thank you for the post and the comments. You know it felt like an honor to even be mentioned and excuse the question but: what is this? A community of bloggers? I'm just very curious. What is MuNu? If anyone has the patience to explain I'd appreciate it, you know, I usually check for Answers! Thx once again!

Posted by: Answer-Seeking Gal at June 17, 2004 11:05 AM


Posted by: mhking at June 21, 2004 05:41 PM

Ochen xhorosho!


Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at June 22, 2004 11:35 PM

Da da da!

Posted by: Simon at June 23, 2004 07:48 AM

ˇSí! on der Kommisar (hey, I'm Mexican!).

A-S Gal, yeah, we're a community of bloggers. About the only real requirements (as far as I can tell) are that you write well (or that someone thinks you write well) and that you have a truly open mind.

(Well, reasonably open, anyway.)

Citizenship in Munuvia basically means you get a free MT blog ("free" as in no money down, no monthly payment) and inclusion on everyone's blogroll. About the only requirement is that you include Munuvia in your blogroll, and we've handy javascripts--somewhere--to make that easier for you.

Posted by: Victor at June 24, 2004 02:10 PM

If you could score the coup of getting the Commissar to sneak over here into Munvian Territories, I would be delighted. He is a delightful individual on a personal level, as well as an insanely gifted satirist.

I have called him friend for almost as long as I have been a blogger.

The Commissar has my official, State Sanctioned Da!

Posted by: Mamamontezz at July 10, 2004 10:28 PM
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