April 11, 2004

Just Thought Of This One

I just remembered Phil Carter's Intel Dump is on blogspot. He does good work, although I don't read him that often (because I already know everything already) and he may be way, way too entirely news/politics oriented for mu.nu, but I thought I might toss it out there.

Posted by Bravo Romeo Delta at April 11, 2004 03:17 AM

Oooh, pick him! He's good.

Posted by: Attila Girl at April 11, 2004 07:25 AM

Intel Dump is a similar situation to Belmont Club - and having thought it over, I say yes to both.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 12, 2004 07:16 AM

I'll send out invites to both Belmont Club and Intel Dump then.

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at April 13, 2004 03:32 PM

I wish to discuss the furtherment of our species in not, as so to speak, the eating of the apple of knowledge but rather, delighting in the pear of faith. Faith is but a key to this eternity of thought, that besets our universe with all of it's tranquility and power. As many hereos poets, philosphers and many a great humans have thought, a stream of conciousness as to where all are one and one is all, to quote zeppelin, "To Be a Rock and not to roll." I talk of such things out of the usual habit, that is to say i'm drunk......skunked in fact. This is perhaps why i came off a bit steemish so to speak, one who talks with a bit more arrrogance then he does with grace. This perhaps leads me down to the fundamentals of my discussion. For it seems to me that i have almost pridefully assumed an apprehension of thought that goes opposite of the love i speak, delighting the reader as it may in it's lake of drunkeness. For to imagine a child's perspective upon reading such rubbish, i would imagine he would feel quite squandered. As it seems that even this short rambling has beset the lass with feelings of inadequatesy and to place him, unfortuanetly, into a category which "grownups" know as fools. For this is the problem of man's knowledge. He gains certain perspectives of how the world is and forgets not only others, but the way of the universe. For the ultimate of philosopher's knowledge is to know his definitions are inadequate for they are always beset by another man's without giving proof to as which one is wholly right. It almost seems impossible as to rid our logic of such subjectivism. If one wishes truly in the good of our world, he will see God as the objective truth. Such a path of thought is to open a closet door, thinking you will shed light on the secrets that lie there, only to realize that u were the one confined to such a limited space of your own knowledge. Such are the way of things. lol

Posted by: The Walrus at April 6, 2005 07:21 AM
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