April 10, 2004

I'm new. What do I know?

But I'm fond of Desert Cat. I think he might veer into Matters Religious slightly more often than many of the existing Munuvians, but because of his libertarian leanings he keeps up on a lot of important issues like the folly of the U.S. War on Drugs and other abuses of power.

He calls them like he sees them, and I respect that. And he's wasting away on Blogspot.

Please advise.

Posted by Attila at April 10, 2004 09:37 AM

We loooooves matters religious, Precioussss.

Question: are newly-inducted Munuvians expected to blogroll all previous Munuvians as a condition of their Munuvianity?

And how much truth is there to the rumor that Movable Type isn't Mac-friendly? I'm on a Mac G4 with OS X (v.10.3), you see. If possible, I'd like to maintain my blog's current "aesthetic minimalist" look (cough). Will this be possible if I make the switch?

Meanwhile, regarding Desert Cat: I'm not a Munuvian, but I VOTE YESSSSSSS, Preciousssss!!


Posted by: Kevin Kim at April 10, 2004 06:11 PM

There does not seem to be any rule that you have to link all the other Munuvians, but as there is a hand javascript that you can use to do so, it is an easy step to show how much you enjoy being a part of Munuvia.

Posted by: Kang A. Roo at April 10, 2004 06:30 PM

I checked the site and cats give me the willies, but his background did look a bit like cheese. I guess with my prejudices, maybe I better let some others have a say.

Posted by: Mr Mouse at April 10, 2004 06:36 PM

I haven't had any problems with Movable Type on my Mac; FWIW, I'm using OS 9-something. I have heard complaints that MT blogs tend to feature lots of dotted lines, but I suspect that's fixable.

The blog design Pixy initially set up for me was very minimalist; I changed the template because I craved color (specifically, orange, rust, peach--you know). At present mine looks a lot like this one, but that will change once I get it customized a bit.

Hope this helps. You might go to Munuviana, where Madfish Willie has a whole post on places to go to get MT templates. There are some nice designs out there.

Posted by: Attila Girl at April 10, 2004 07:47 PM

Mr. Mouse: Desert You-Know-What is as loyal as they come. Were he to come into the Munuvian fold, he'd protect you rather than prey upon you. This, I know.

Posted by: Attila Girl at April 10, 2004 07:51 PM

Kevin - I know that some of our Munuvians are using Macs with no problems. Given the variations in support for CSS between various browsers, it's possible to make a blog in MT that doesn't look good on a Mac, but that's true for IE on Windows too. There's no problem with MT itself that I know of.

You have full control over both the HTML and CSS generated by Movable Type, so you can make your blog look like pretty much anything.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2004 07:55 PM

Oh, and yeah, it's nice if you do blogroll the other Munuvians, and we have a choice of handy scripts to do this for you.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 10, 2004 07:57 PM


Lord Pixy, master of more things than most mortals can imagine is correct about MT on the Mac. I've been doing it for several months with no problem. The only struggle I had getting my site to look the way I wanted was my overwhelming lack of HTML and CSS knowledge.

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at April 11, 2004 03:18 AM

Hey thanks for the endorsement LMA! I'm thinking I may move off blogspot if I reach my first blogiversary. Whatever I switch to has to be easy to use. I don't want to spend any time fussing with the site, I just want to write when the muse hits. Plus photo posting would be nice.

So...how is blogging in the mu.nu universe?

Posted by: Desert Cat at April 12, 2004 04:41 AM

Blogging is good :)

70+ Munuvians can't all be wrong!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at April 13, 2004 08:11 AM
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